He restores my soul
As I write this post, I have phrases from Psalm 23 circling through my mind. The Lord is my shepherd, He restores my soul, He leads me beside still waters, I will lack nothing, You are with me, surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life..
A few months ago I was creating an assembly based around Psalm 23 with my students and I came across this incredible short video based on the psalm - I pray that you are blessed by it:
I am grateful for Nepal and for the privilege of working at KISC. I am grateful for finding and belonging to this international, diverse community where we love each other so well. Over the last few weeks there have been plenty of opportunities to celebrate the community as we have had various staff events, Grade 12 graduation, Splash Day and class parties. I can't believe that it's already the end of the academic year - so much has happened in the last few weeks that it has flown by. Lots of farewells too, which has been hard (a lot of tears shed!) but also wonderful to deliberately get to honour and thank people for serving in this community. I am fascinated by the ways that God weaves us all together and brings different people across our paths to journey with - some for a short time and some for a long time, but each one makes their mark. I quickly learn to not take anyone for granted and love and be grateful for people in the present - because you never know how long they will be able to stay!
Here are some photos which will sum up the last few weeks:
See how blessed I am!
Here is the end of year video from KISC which will give you more of a flavour of what we are about.
And now.. I arrived back in the UK last night and am enjoying time with my family, sitting in the garden, drinking tap water with abandon, eating fruit that does not need to be iodined and having a glorious time! I am looking forward to resting and having time with Jesus and with friends who have been journeying with me, where I can be refreshed and restored. I will be here for the next 7 weeks so I am sure that I will be seeing many of you.
I won't finish with a list of prayer requests, but instead with a huge THANK YOU for the encouragement and support that you give me. I am amazed by God's goodness and faithfulness that I see through you.
With love
Hannah xxx
"Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness stretches to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, Your justice like the great deep." Psalm 36:6