Happy Easter! He is risen!
Happy Easter dear friends! What a joy to celebrate our risen Lord with people all around the world. The Easter weekend comes at the end of a two week break for us, and it has been such a glorious time to rest and restock.
A friend and I went to India (Goa and Mumbai) for the first week, which was INCREDIBLE! Being right by the sea, swimming, reading, praying, journaling, eating really good food (dosas for breakfast every day!), riding around in tuk tuks... I'll let the photos speak for themselves 😊 I highly recommend it as a nation to visit. And it was just what I needed after a long 12 week term.

Isn't it glorious! I felt so lavished upon and blessed by the Father during this trip.
This week just gone has been time to connect with people in Kathmandu and have some time of quiet and preparation before the Term 4 begins (the last term of this academic year). It's only a short one (8 weeks).
- We have a British Schools Overseas (BSO) inspection in the coming weeks - please pray for that. We have our American School accreditation but we are not yet accredited as a British school, so that will help us as we continue to function as an international school - providing excellent opportunities for our students from all around the world.
- We still need a Head of Primary - please pray that God will fill that position with the right person to lead our Primary school.
- All of those families who will be leaving Nepal in the summer.
- A conference next weekend where I am helping to lead the youth and children's work.
- The energy that I need to finish this academic year well.
- New students who are starting in Primary tomorrow.
- That I will keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and live my life each day surrendered to Him.
I will leave you with my favourite Easter poem, by Gerard Kelly
Because He is Risen
Because He is risen
Spring is possible
In all the cold hard places
Gripped by winter
And freedom jumps the queue
To take fear’s place as our focus
Because He is risen
Because He is risen
My future is an epic novel
Where once it was a mere short story
My contract on life is renewed in perpetuity
My options are open-ended
My travel plans are cosmic
Because He is risen
Because He is risen
Healing is on order and assured
And every disability will bow
Before the endless dance of his ability
And my grave too will open
When my life is restored
For this frail and fragile body
Will not be the final word on my condition
Because He is risen
Because He is risen
Hunger will go begging in the streets
For want of a home
And selfishness will have a shortened shelf-life
And we will throng to the funeral of famine
And dance on the callous grave of war
And poverty will be history
In our history
Because He is risen
And because He is risen
A fire burns in my bones
And my eyes see possibilities
And my heart hears hope
Like a whisper on the wind
And the song that rises in me
Will not be silenced
As life disrupts
This shadowed place of death
Like a butterfly under the skin
And death itself
Runs terrified to hide
Because He is risen
