Money, money, money...!
So money is just one of those things that is still a bit taboo to discuss. I know and believe we serve a generous God and that we're called to be generous in return with our finances as well as our time, affection and lives in general. I am still very much on a journey with this!
Having now worked as a teacher for 5 years, I am leaving my job at Christmas to go and train as a missionary in Kona, Hawaii. So this is me stepping out in obedience to His call. If you would like to partner with me financially, in addition to partnering with me in prayer and encouragement then I have set up an account specifically for Hawaii funds:
Account number: 00398628
Sort Code: 11-08-62
Please make sure you put your name in the "Reference" section so that I know it is you and can thank you personally!
Alternatively, please do get in touch with me by email ( or in person, by phone or on social media etc.