He is the Potter
Dear friends,
Term 1 is now over and I am grateful for a couple of weeks to rest and reflect. My sister has come to visit and we are heading to Chitwan (south) and Pokhara (west) to have some time away over the next few days. This photo was taken a couple of days ago at a belated birthday celebration for her at my favourite restaurant called "The Chimney" at The Yak and Yeti, a fancy hotel.
This term has been full and wonderful as I have enjoyed teaching a class of Grade 4 students who are so much fun to be with and who love learning. I have also really enjoyed getting to know so many new staff and even having the opportunity to go away on a long weekend break to Nagarkot with a couple of them.
The highlight of the term for me has definitely been co-directing our school production of "Danny and the Shacks". This is a Bible-based musical about Daniel and the "Shacks" aka Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and there were really powerful messages being declared through the dialogue and the songs such as:
- "We stand firm. We will not bow to the statue or your gods."
- "Faith believes the impossible. Faith sees what only God can do."
- "When things get too hot, too hot to handle, too hot. Don't give into your fear, the enemy's a liar."
- "God is near, He's even Lord in the fire."
- "The safest place was in that lions' den. The centre of His will, best place you've ever been."
- "I will stand for the one true God. I will stand when no one stands with me."
Something also that I loved about being involved in this production in particular is that the cast were Grades 4-7 and, because this is my fourth year at KISC and I've taught 4th grade for all of that time, all of the cast members who weren't new to the school have been through my class so I know them really well. I love still having the opportunity to work with and spend time with my old students as KISC is a Secondary school as well as a Primary school, so they don't leave! 🙂
Something that God has been speaking to me over and over in the last few weeks is that He is the potter and I am the clay. And I just want to stay soft and mouldable in His hands. I could never have imagined 10 years ago when I had just started teaching my first class, what my life would look like today. I have no idea how the future will pan out, but I trust Him because He is the potter and the author and I am the clay and the story. Oftentimes it's not until I look back that I see His faithfulness and His hand at work. So today and every day I continue to trust that He has a plan and He knows what He is doing.
This is the Covenant prayer from John Wesley, which I find myself coming back to a lot:
I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will, place me with whom you will.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be put to work for you or set aside for you,
Praised for you or criticised for you.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and fully surrender all things
To your glory and service.
And now, O wonderful and holy God, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer,
You are mine, and I am yours.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
Let it also be made in heaven.
Prayer requests:
- Safe travels over the next few days and a restful and joy-filled time with my sister in Chitwan and Pokhara.
-For Term 2, particularly for the new KISC leadership team (the new Head of Secondary will be arriving imminently).
- That I will remain soft and surrendered to the Potter's hands.
THANK YOU for your ongoing support, generosity and kindness. I recognise that I could not do what I am doing without such an incredible army of prayer warriors behind me.
Much love to you,